Lumexx Light BG  itemprop=

Lumexx Light BG

Lumexx Light BG About Us Company Lumexx Light BG's main activity is trade of lighting. As a result of long experience, professionalism and persistence in taking care of our customers Lumexx Light BG is well known on the Bulgarian market. Flexible pricing, variety of items, their guaranteed quality and quantity of stocks that helped the company to continuously increase the number of customers in Bulgaria. Products Lumexx Light BG offers the following Luminaires: chandeliers wall lamps ceiling lights lamp shades A wide variety of types and reasonable prices! Contacts Storage Acad Peter Dinekov 24A Shop pl.Vazkresenie - against McDonald's 032/ 21 01 14 0877/ 88 76 77 0878/ 33 06 13 Lumexx Light BG