RUDI is direct importer and distributor of quality products for professionals. The policy of our company is aimed at offering quality products and services to our customers. We try to answer inquiries in time and fulfil orders quickly and accurately. All

"Welding and assembly services" Ltd е is specialized in welding and electrical services. The company has well equipped facilities in the town of Pleven for the manufacture of metal products and electrical equipment. We

Industrial Design is a single person enterprise, residing in Sliven, Bulgaria, which has specialised in the creation, realisation and implementation of machine design capable of meeting the challenges of

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RAVERA Firm with a proprietor the Single-Trader, Dipl. Engineer Radostin Radev, has been established in 1994 in Bourgas City. Its main activity is design and manifacturing of non-standard equipment, units and details. The Firm produces punches, press

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Machines tools and materials for cutting and processing of: - marble and grenite stones - limestone and basalt - gres - mosaic - beton

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