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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

SOFIAPLAST PLC has been established in 1938. Since then it becomes one of the leader in the plastic processing industry in Bulgaria. More than 30 years the company was a base for development of new technologies and materials. Most of

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

MAK LTD is largest mass producer in east Europe uses as well plastic, metal and melamine accessories allowed for restaurant and hotel business, the office and the home up on homework. In Product The slates of the company figure as well so

AFRIDA PEEV Ltd. Company is specialized in the production of pulverizer pumps, liquid soap pumps and highly viscous articles, trigger pumps and plastic packages all of which are applicable in the perfume, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food, wine

Gorna Oryahovitsa
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