Хотел мениджмънт консулт  itemprop=

Hotel menidzhmynt konsult

Hotel Management Consult is Bulgarian consulting company specialized in the hospitality industry.
Hotel Management Consult is Bulgarian consulting company specialized in the hospitality industry. The company is found in July 2008. The first contract is for management of Mountain Dream Hotel, Bansko. The contract embraces the pre-opening preparation, including recruitment and training of staff, opening of the hotel and ongoing operational management.  Additionally, the company consulted White Fir Valley Hotel in the period December 2008 - February 2009, Park Hotel Journalist, Varna in the period January 2009-September 2009, Hotel Sevtopolis, Pavel Banya in the period March – June 2010 during the pre-opening and opening stage - we were involved in all aspects related to sales, marketing recruitment and staff training. Services Human Resources Operating activities Sales & Marketing Monitoring and analysis of services Administrative and accounting services, tax optimization and internal financial control Categorization Web Design The expertise and experience, which we pass on to our clients are based on our in-depth knowledge of Bulgarian market combined with a long-standing local and international background gained over the years. Conveying valuable information to our customers is part of the process of finding the best solutions for their business.