АутоЕксперт ЕООД  itemprop=


At the moment this activity is available for Germany, Bulgaria and Croatia. Vehicle valuation - If you want to buy or to sell a vehicle, you need proper price. - Buy-back price is important for car
At the moment this activity is available for Germany, Bulgaria and Croatia. Vehicle valuation - If you want to buy or to sell a vehicle, you need proper price. - Buy-back price is important for car dealers, leasing companies, banks etc. - Import or export of a vehicle - Company vehicle fleet re-pricing Claim / damage calculation front - We can say what is repairing price of the damage - We can say is this damaged vehicle total lost or not. This can help you in case of problems with insurance companies, tax administration etc. Claim / damage repairing quality check - Persons can want to see whether the repairing is well done because they and their family will drive this vehicle - Insurance companies can want to check is this vehicle repaired according the manufacturer prescriptions Accident reconstruction If you are part of accident we can say how this accident happend. On the base on such expertise the court can say who is guilty. Vehicle quality certification classic auto exchange If you want to buy or to sell a vehicle, you need to know the technical state of this vehicle and what is the best for you ratio technical state / price. Assistance in distance buying vehicle If you want to buy a vehicle which is in other location in your country. Let say you open Internet site and you like a vehicle to buy. We can go and inspect this vehicle. Make a vehicle quality certificate. Negotiate with seller for the best price. Deliver the vehicle in front of your home. You part in this process is only to seat and drive. Assistance in problems according Green Card Insurance Assistance in problems with stolen vehicle