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Since its establishment, DECOSSTROY JSCo. develops in the scope of construction, particularly dry building systems, including the respective additional activities as painting, puttying, cabling, etc. We assemble high – quality suspended ceiling, partition walls and wall tiles. The company offers a wide variety of interior, exterior and technical decisions consistent with the fantasy and desires of our most requiring customers. During the last year we have created a separate directions of business, which widen our main activity in the sphere of Water supply and Sewerage, electrical installations, hard coated interior tiles. Up to the present moment the company has done construction and installation works at the overall area of 368 900 m2, including ceiling, walls, dry floors, water supply and sewerage installations, electrical installations, etc. Many reconstructions and modernizations have been made with systems for dry construction, which is a proof that our product is highly valued and wanted. The basic principles that Decosstroy observes in its works are: - Probity and correctness in our relations with the customers - Professionalism and aspirations for applying new technologies and construction systems - Complete satisfaction of our client’s requirements - Following the rules for technique and labor safety - High quality of the offered services and activities - Providing the normalconditions of work, safeguarding the life and the health of our workers and employers - Obeying the laws and the normative regulations in the Republic of Bulgaria A proof of the high quality of work and the following of the technical requirements is the certificate № 032 / 02 issued in favour of DECOSSTROY JSCo. by the agency of KNAUF in Bulgaria. Our aspirations for loyalty to the customers, and for higher quality has lead to the separation of the main share holders Krasimir Krulev and Angel Sabev from Decostroy Ltd. and the establishment of DECOSSTROY JSCo. Our guiding motto is: Quality and satisfaction of the customer’s wishes! During the period of its activity the Company has specialized particularly in the erection of structures like state – of – the – art office buildings, hotels, bank halls, trade centers, etc. A minor sector of activity is the construction of building with strictly individual and specific design as single – household houses, catering stores, representative offices, public and dwelling buildings. During the short period of existence we managed to achieve the best quality / price ratio, which is a result of the application of the most modern technologies. For the period of three years, our experts have carried out numerous orders of business, private persons and state organizations, including: - Offices - INTERPRED World Trade Center, Sofia - Offices – IBM - Conference rooms - INTERPRED World Trade Center, Sofia - Fashion floor - INTERPRED - Chain of restaurant Happy - Dabrava Hotel – Golden Sands resort - Green Park Hotel – Golden Sands resort - LTI Berlin Green Park Hotel – Golden Sands resort - Crown Plaza Hotels – Golden Sands resort - Admiral Hotel – Golden Sands resort - Olimp Hotel – Velingrad - Trade center NEW AWENUE - Sofia - Restaurant Magnoliite – Albena resort - “Doctor Color Auto” - Squash hall – “Maleevi”, “Easy Club” - Cocktail bar “YELLOW” –Golden Sands resort The construction and installation works performed by us are of very high quality, and an obligatory condition for that is the high quality parameters of the row materials we use. Our main suppliers are the following prestigious companies dealing in dry construction works: - RIGIPS – Austria - KNAUF – Germany - USG – DONN - AMF - ARMSTRONG The company constantly consolidates its positions on the market through innovative production procedures, modern technology and constant development. The capacity as of the present stage of our development are the execution of construction and installation works in amount of 500 000 m2 per year, as for the accomplishment of these works we have our own equipment bases in Sofia and Varna. Decosstroy JSCo. offers to its customers a complex performance of projects from the stage of design to the stage of entirely complete building. All these efforts ensuring a sustainable growth and competitive advantage among its competitors! We are looking forward to a successful and beneficial partnership!