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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Restaurant ”Vodenitzata” is one of the most stylish Bulgarian restaurants in the city. The cozy saloon of the restaurant could be divided conditionally in three parts and there are 200 seats available. During the winter months fireplaces illuminate the st

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

"Manastirska Magernitsa" Restaurant is situated in the central part of Sofia, at 67 Khan Asparuh Str.The restaurant disposes of winter garden- entirely in Bulgarian style, preserved trees, many authentic articles, a two- storey house with 6 halls, a folk- style hall.

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In the old part of Sofia there is one experienced events, times and people tavern. Over 70 years within its atmosphere have been resting dear guests. We could not resist it, have kept it and named: Mehana Sofia. We drove round Bulgaria to collect for You


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