For us the most important is Your health!
In UMHAT Eurohospital Plovdiv revealed 4 compartments - Internal Medicine / gastroenterology, rheumatology, clinical hematology, nephrology, cardiology / - Surgery - Orthopedics and Traumatology - Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy with 164 beds. Operational block has 5 rooms, modernly equipped for medium and heavy operations including laparoscopic sets for "bloodless" operations of tumors. The hospital has a large free parking with 120 parking spaces. We offer everything you could look for in a healthcare facility and visit us knowing that you will receive adequate assistance - Qualified, trained professionals who understand their business. - Work with the Bulgarian National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and European Health Insurance Card - Know that if you need operation, it will be carried out in recent health trends and inconsiderate without risk. This in general terms is "the golden rule of " K ". In EVROHOSPITAL Hospital Plovdiv, all this is possible. Speaking for the record, the hospital has a focus gastroenterology and surgery is closely related to the prevention of cancer of the digestive tract. A burning, knowing the trend for increased frequency and coverage of his increasingly young age. For us does not matter, however if you hit your finger or you hurt waist (for some reason), if you need a cardiologist or break a lot of dancing (for example) and need traumatologist. In MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT EUROHOSPITAL Plovdiv will help you for any ailments that you are suffering. The equipment is at the highest level and offer a wide range of procedures and treatments. In EUROHOSPITAL Plovdiv you can change it, either knee, hip or even ankle. Operating rooms are also of the highest class, like you're in a luxury hotel, except you do not remember almost anything of your stay inside because of the anesthesia. But then you feel exactly as if the whole team have watched over you and have made an effort to wake up you happy and smiling. Not surprisingly in these halls is held the first laparoscopic (bloodless) surgery in Bulgaria to remove metastases (metastasis) of cancer in the liver. So with this much easier tolerated and supporting almost rapid recovery from all surgical interventions. The owners of the hospital are taken care and comfort in the area around the health facility. In EUROHOSPITAL Hospital Plovdiv has free parking with 120 seats, is conducted planting and reforestation of the area, there are coffee shop, pharmacy and numerous comfortable benches. Even if you are not from the city, not even live in this part of Bulgaria, but you need help and human terms (doctor - patient), then this is the right place. The correct choice is EUROHOSPITAL Hospital Plovdiv. Each patient in the hospital may itself establish that the motto "For us the most important is your health" is not only on paper, and applies to all of the whole team. Check yourself to find a solution to your health problem: www.eurohospital.bg


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