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Sofia, zh.k. Razsadnika, ul. Koniovica № 29

The team of Biotonika consists of well skilled Bulgarian Pharmacologists, who have placed the ambitious task in front of them to invent a product for the people suffering from stress, neurosis, depressions and insomnia, which to meet the newest requirements of the current science . Bulgaria is blest with curative plants. The optimum Geographic location and the suitable climate are giving the possibility to the local herbs to develop and to possess high concentration of Biologically – active substances. Bulgaria is on second place in the world for plant wealth. Whether we are able to value the gifts of the nature, which are offered to us in such a generous way? As the nature has created the diseases, so it has created and plants, as we to be able to fight with the diseases. During the last five years we are focusing our efforts only over the product “А-Я”. We have developed it , we have made a research the foreign experience in the field. We have send our most grateful thanks to the Norwegian colleagues, for their cooperation and help which they gave us. We would like to thank to the Bulgarian doctors as well who have cooperated with us and who have administered trail drug to their patients. In this way we received a back up and proved the qualities of “А-Я”. Ten advices to achieve good mental health Try to apply the 10 advices below throughout the day: 1. learn something new 2. talk about yourself 3. be active 4. do something constructive 5. accept yourself as such as you are 6. look for help 7. take a rest 8. look for a connection with your friends 9. get over the difficultes 10. learn to forgive It's not discovered yet the "magic pill" in the world, who can let us out of the stress and the tension, but there are preparations basis of herbs, who can improve considerably the state of people in stress and depressions. One of the most effective is the herb extract "A-Z" made of Biotonika. Except that hi is 100% harmless, he can calm and stimulate the hormone of joy. The specialists are apply it with success to insomnia and hard depresions, heart neurons and depressions. "A-Z" is spreads in pharmacy network. A-Z The first herbals extract conquering the stress The liquid form of extract ensure the rapid penetration and suction the organic-active substances in blood system. Capsules of А-Z, unique composition of herbs, which mutually increase their action by the so called synergetic effect. "А-Z" possesses not only the sedative, but overall and strengthening effects on the body. In its composition among well-known herbs such as: melissa officinalis, tutsan, common valerian, lavender, hops, filipendula ulmaria. Capsules of А-Z Capsules of А-Z, unique composition of herbs, which mutually increase their action by the so called synergetic effect. "А-Z" possesses not only the sedative, but overall and strengthening effects on the body. Composition in one capsule: 200мg. - Fl. Ulmariae (Filipendula ulmaria extract) - 50 mg - Fl. Hiperici (Tutsan extract) - 50 mg - Fol. Melissae (Melissa officinalis extract) - 25 mg - Rad. Valerianae (Common valerian extract) - 25 mg - Strubuli Lupuli (Hops extract) - 25 mg - Fl. Grataegi (Hawthorn extract) - 25 mg Herbs Perennial torfaceous grassy plant with horizontal crawling roots, long to 1,5 м and to 3 sm in diameter.Widespread is near the springs and streams, on slough meadowsand swamps in all of our mountains. In Bulgarian folk medicine is used for pain in the stomach and bowels, vomiting, difficulty urinating, jaundice, skin rashes, bone tuberculosis, inflammation of glands, goitre, shortness of breath, cancer and others. Filipendula ulmaria The flowers of this plant are one of the most richest in natural salicylates (similar to the aspirin substances ) with antipyretics , analgesics and anti – rheumatic effects . It has tranquilizing effect as well (according some new data its effect is twice as strong as the valerian). The herb stimulates endorphin as well – the hormone of happiness. In 1838. an Italian professor had been the first one who produced the salicylic, which he produced not only from the lowers of the Filipendula ulmaria but also from the bark of the willow (Salix alba). In 1899 the pharmaceutics company Bayer produces new medicament called aspirin, which comes from the old botanic name of the Filipendula ulmaria (Spiraea ulmaria). Filipendula ulmaria is a very strong antiseptic (something like herb aspirin ). In the medieval centuries the plant has been thought as wonderful means when there is disease in the joints. Based on own and others observations Leclerc (1935) thinks that the Filipendula ulmaria is one of the best helping means for obtaining of diuretic effect. Curing effect: The herb has a diuretic effect, anti – inflammation effect and preventing effect. It is applied for neuroses, stress, for rheumatism, when retention of liquids in the organism, inflammation of the urinary system . In the Bulgarian national medicine the herb is used when there are is pain in the stomach and in the intestines , when there is throwing out , when having difficulty in throwing water out , jaundice , skin eruption , bone tuberculosis , inflammation of the glands , goiter ,asthma , cancer and etc. Hypericum perforatum This is one of the most used and useful herbs.It gathers in itself the whole sun energy, it influences immediately on the entire organism. It helps for depressions, tiredness, for the first symptoms of flu diseases. It opens the heart of the human being, unites the soul, the mind and the body in one. Curative effect and application. The main component of the Hypericum perforatum is the Hypericine , which helps in the curing of light to moderate depression. The Hypericine is in the red pigment of the plant and it seems that it inhibits the monoamine oxidize , and the the disorder of the brain nerve transmitters and at the same time increases the serotonin inhibitor. According J. Carter in the “miracle of recovery " last study shows that the Hypericine is weaker antidepressant than the whole extract of the plant , hinting that , the total mixture of the chemicals in the plant including xanthogens and phlavonoids are also important and are in benefit of he pharmacology. The content of the herb define its varieties and very useful qualities - anti-inflammatory, anti-microbe, adsrigenous, wound healing and anti ulcer effect, tonic of the nerve system , underlined stypticity effect, improving of the heart muscle, strengthening of the heart activity, slight increase of the artery pressure, diuretic effect, anti – intestinal worm effect. The Hypericum perforatum from ancient times till now is one of the most regular used and extremely useful herbs. By extracted from it contents and or extractions are giant medicines for curing of huge amount of sufferings. The inflamed disease as well as disturbance of the digestion organs – ulcer diseases of the stomach and the duodenum, acute and chronic gastritis enterocolitis, bad digestion diarrhea and etc. are very well effected by it as well. Anti-inflammatory, the drying and healing of wounds effect is seem in burnings, infected running wounds and slowly healing wounds at the skin and the mucosa. The phlavonoids , which are contained in the herb, are giving it capillary tonic effect, which is active in a lot of diseases, accompanied with bleeding, inflammation , swelling and etc. – hemorrhoids, abundant catamenia, rheumatism, colitis, burnings, inflammations of the gums and of the mouth mucosa and etc. The phlavonoids components are improving the heart activity, as they are widening the blood vessels of the heart , they are accelerate its curtailments, they slightly increase the arterial pressure and act diuretically – exactly because of this the drug is in the consistence of a lot medicines for curing of heart disease (especially arteriosclerosis, disturbance of the blood circulation); burnings, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism and etc., it is useful for depressions as well as in neurological complains, as well as in exhaustion after serious illness. (the tranquilizing effect is getting stronger in combination with hops.) In the Bulgarian national medicine the Hypericum perforatum is used for gout , light forms of tuberculosis, leucorrhea, diarrhea, instinctively wetting, headache, migraine, hysteria, lessens the anxiety, anti-depressing (helps the supporting of the mental balance), tranquilizes the nerve system, helps the recovering of the mucosa (regenerating activity), drying effect (consolidating of the tissues and lessens the secretions), anti-inflammatory effect . Application: excitedness, nerviness, lightly shown up to moderately expressed nervous depressions , for example during the menopause , nervous exhaustion . The Hypericum perforatum is also used for hypertension , lack of sleep , colic , bed wetting for children . At clinical tests it is also found out that it improves the cognitive functions , increases the level of interest . Due to its regeneration and anti-inflammatory effect it is used in presence of ulcer in the stomach and the duodenum. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) Its roots and root systems of the plant are used for medical purpose, which contains up to 3,5% etheric oil, Izovelrian acid, Borneol, Borneol ether coming from formic acid, fatty acid and acetic acid, sesquiterpen, numerous alkaloids (valerian), glucose compounds (valerosids), tanning substances and etc. Therapeutic activity is innate to all of the complex of compounds of the plant. The Valerian possess sedative, tranquilizing, spasmodic, claming activity, it renders positive regulative effect of the work of the heart, including the mechanism of the automation and its conductive system, it improves the heart blood circulation and it helps for the lowering of the level of the arterial blood pressure. It possess soporific effect, it improves the quality of the sleep, including people suffering from sleeplessness and over excitement, there is no sensation for morning sleepiness. It stimulates the processes of gall secretion and the secreting function of the stomach and the gland behind the stomach. It is applied when there is nerve excitement, sleeplessness, megrim, neurasthenia, psychostnia, vegetoneuroses, heart vesicle diseases, accompanied by spasms of the heart arteries and tachycardia, climaxing disorders, bronchial trellis, neurodermitis, tireotoxicoze. It is used with others means when there is liver disease, spastic situation of the stomach – intestinal tract. Hops (Humulus lupulus) Its strobiles are used for curing. The stobiles contain up to 1,7% ethereal oils, 5 up to 20% bitter substances. Curing effect: Calming (sedative). A good curing effect is proved when there is sleeplessness, climacterium problems, urat litiaz In the national medicine the strobiles are used for placing them into pillows on which one sleeps. The hops is largely applied in the brewery as well. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Its flowers are used and the obtained from it ethereal oils. Colors are used and received their essential oil. Activity: It has tranquilizing activity, it eliminates the spasms of the smooth musculature, it has and analgesic and disinfection activity. Curing effect and application: tranquilizer, analgesic, disinfection effect. it has diuretic effect as well which is due to the terpinoel and the rest of the effects are due to the ethereal oils. It is applied when there is neurasthenia, heart neurosis, megrim. In the Bulgarian national medicine the lavender is applied for schizophrenia, paralyze, gases, gastritis, sleeplessness, dizziness, rheumatism, accelerated heart beat, headache, stomachache. Common balm (Melissa officinalis) The plant possess well expressed sedative, antispasmodic and carminative action. Tranquilizer, analgesics, anti-spasmodic, hypertensive, whetting the appetite, improving the functions of the activity of the digesting system. It is applied for disease having nerve origin (accelerated heart beat, heart neurosis, neurasthenia, vomiting based on nerve problems, migraine, sexual excitement, angina pectoris). The leaves of the Melissa are used when dizziness appears, head-ache, high blood pressure, for improving the vision, regulating irregular menstruation, noise in the ears, gout, vigilance, bad breath in the mouth . Hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) Howthorn support the normal function of the heart - the vascular system. Helps maintenance of normal tone of the heart muscle and the rhythm of the heart activity and for the normal tone of coronary, brain and peripheral blood vessels. Helps maintenance of the normal level of cholesterol in the blood. Used to treat heart weakness and stimulator of digestion. Lowers blood pressure, reduced nervous tension and improve sleep.