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"Radovanov-Mladenov /R-M/" Ltd was established in 1991 by its current directors Engineer Nikola Radovanov and Engineer Mladen Mladenov. The company specializes in building construction and renovation activities, design and structural engineering.

EBONIT LIGHT Sole - Proprietor Limited Liability Company (EOOD) is a prestigious private construction and entrepreneurship company specialized in the construction of new buildings (residential and public) and repair of existing ones.

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Комплексни строителни ремонтни дейности индустрия проектиране обекти стоманени конструкции саморазливни подове покривни стенни обшивки стоманобетонови дограма тръбопроводи хидроизолации монтаж демонтаж

Valmex Ltd. is registered as a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with court Ruling No. 7159 of the Sofia City Court and it is entered in the Register of the trade companies by No. 4206, book 86 page 92.

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Еuroprefabricate Bulgaria АD is amongst the leading companies specialized in design, manufacture and installation of prefabricated reinforced structures that are extremely suitable for construction of industrial logistic, public and trade projects. The bu

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