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Комплексни строителни ремонтни дейности индустрия проектиране обекти стоманени конструкции саморазливни подове покривни стенни обшивки стоманобетонови дограма тръбопроводи хидроизолации монтаж демонтаж

Еuroprefabricate Bulgaria АD is amongst the leading companies specialized in design, manufacture and installation of prefabricated reinforced structures that are extremely suitable for construction of industrial logistic, public and trade projects. The bu

ARKADA 22 Ltd. has over 10 years expirience in reconstruction and realization of specific architectural and conceptual ideas of trade and business centres and corporative buildings. The team of ARKADA 22 Ltd. - specialists not only as a professional quali

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Adactaengineering Ltd. is a privately held Bulgarian company. It was created in 1994 and is located on 24 Kamen Andreev street, 3rd floor, Sofia.

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