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AQUASOL Water treatment technology Ltd

Altech Water technology Ltd is a trade – engineering company established at 2009 and specialized in technology for filtration, sedimentation, flotation and separation of solid – liquid suspensions. The products find an application in mining, metallurgy, chemical, paper and all other kind
     About us: Altech Water technology Ltd , is a trade – engineering company established at 2009 and specialized in technology for filtration, sedimentation, flotation and separation of solid – liquid suspensions. The products find an application in mining, metallurgy, chemical, paper and all other kind of industries, where separation process are required. Other direction of the company is modular WWTP for capacity up to 2000PE as well as chemicals as - coagulants and flocculants for improving of sedimentation and dewatering of sludge The products take place in different steps of the process (WWTP and PWTP) and depend on the type have the effluence on – heavy particles, PO4 elimination, COD and BOD5 reduction.   Lamela separators Dimensioning, design and manufacture of lamella separators for public and private market . Manufacture in steel tanks or build in concrete type. Additianly we are able to provide all other type of sedimentation technology – radial and horizontal with system for sludge removal , vertical with central sludge supply   Distribution for hydro -cyclones Dimensioning, design and manufacture/ distribution for hydro -cyclones for separation process Manufacture in GRS, stainless or carbon steel. Capacity .2- 0.4m3/h (cut size d50 2-4um) to 500 – 1500m3/h(cut size d50 120-150um)   Pressure sand filter Dimensioning, design and manufacture of pressure filters - stainless or carbon steel   Pressure automatic backwashed filters Supply of filters under specific requirements of the client .Suitable for suspension up to 100ppm TSS, filtration efficiency 80 ?m - 4000 ?m, flow rate up to 4000 ?m. Material of manufacture stainless, carbon steel, GRP   Belt filters Supply of gravity belt filters (high slope bed) under specific requirements of the client . Suitable for suspension up to 10000ppm TSS, filtration efficiency 10 ?m - 1000 ?m, flow rate up to 6000m3/h. Material of manufacture stainless, carbon steel, PP. We are able to provide also endless type belt filter which is able to work with same filler material (PET polyethylene terephthalate) by scraping the collected solids and washing - no consumable filter paper   Modular WWTP Dimensioning, design and manufacture of modular WWTP up to 2000PE under project requirements . Material of construction – carbon steel with bitumen coating. All modules are manufactured according to ISO 9001-2000 от Lloyd Certification GmbH   Poly aluminum Oxy Chloride Wide range of PAC – AlnCl(3n-m)(OH)m with different % of Al2O3. Supply in 4 tones road tanks   Катионни, анионни и нейоногенни флокуланти Wide range of PAM –with different molecular weight and charge. - Dewatering with belt press - 11гр/кг DS - Dewatering with centrifuge - decanter - 7-8гр/кг DS - Dewatering with screw press - 5-8гр/кг DS - Dewatering with chamber press - 7-8гр/кг DS   Аерационни системи Проектиране, оразмеряване и изготвяне на аерационни системи от PVC, PE, PP, Стомана AISI304.      Treatment of water: Обработка на води от кожарска промишленост Trials with organic coagulant Aquateat 903, applied in physical – chemical step of waste water treatment. Обработка на води от хартиена индустрия JAR test for finding the best anionic PAM for treatment of water from paper manufacture, using FAU and TSS analyses. Обработка на води от металургия Products from series SAL represent inorganic coagulants based on sodium aluminate. During the hydrolyze in water two process are established: coagulation [Al3+?] and neutralization [Na+ + OH-?]. This creates economical cost and high effect of the treated water. - degrease the consumption of agent as Ca(OH)2, NaOH - high cationic rate leads to high efficiency in lower dosage - high stability during the storage period pure dosage of the product Обработка на води от хартиената индустрия - микрофлотация JAR test for finding the best cationic PAM for treatment of water from paper manufacture via DAF process, using FAU and TSS analyses. Обработка на емулсии Продуктите от серията Aquatreat са органични коагуланти предназначени за обработка на отпадни емулсии от различни производства и дейности: охлаждащ агент от металургични и металообработващи производства, автомивки, остатъчни продукти от строителната химия, рафиниращи производства и др. Принципът на действие се изразява в дестабилизиране на двойният електронен слой, вследствие на реакциата на каотийонно заредения коагулант, при което дисперсната фаза представляваща маслените молекули, агломерира и се отделя на повърхността поради по-малката относителна плътност. - Определяне на дозировката за всеки тип отпадна емулсия. - Химическата обработка с последващо механично разделяне посредством сепариращо устройство. - Добавянето на коагуланта не води до промяна в pH на водите или увеличаване концентрацията на вредни вещества, с което се минимизира последваща химическа обработка на отделената вода. - Замяна на методи за разделяне на база на мембранна микро филтрация или изпаряване, изискващи големи инвестиции. Обработка на пясъчни води JAR tests for finding the best product and dosage for treatment of sand washing water. From left to right ? raw water; tested with 2ml 0.1% flocculant; tested with inorganic coagulant and 2ml 0.1% flocculant ; ; tested with 2ml 0.1% and recirculation of the mud 20ml/. Обработка на утайки JAR tests for finding the best product for mud dewatering. Обработка на шламови води от брикети JAR tests for finding the best product and dosage for treatment of sand washing water. From left to right ? raw water; tested with 2ml 0.1% flocculant; tested with inorganic coagulant and 2ml 0.1% flocculant ; ; tested with 2ml 0.1% and recirculation of the mud 20ml/. Реконструкция и оптимизация на ПСОВ за води от производство на алуминий Study, design and reconstruction of WWTP for Al and Cr6+ removal. Technology: pH lower to 2.5, reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+, neutralization with Ca(OH)2, coagulation and flocualtion , sedimentation. All parameters after the WWTP were in the limits. Реконтструкция и оптимизация на ПСОВ за води от пералня Study, design and reconstruction of WWTP for dying and washing of textile. Technology: pH correction, coagulation, biological treatment with surface aerator, outlet guaranty parameters 25ppm BOD, 125ppm COD, 35ppm TSS