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Shevitsa Company

The company “Shevitsa” possesses a wide catalogue of national costumes and embroideries with Bulgarian needlecraft. Along with the hundreds of national dresses we make tablecloths of different sizes out of linen (Panama Type) and “Muline” cotton strings. We work exclusively by hand.

The Shevitsa Co. was founded in 1992 by Yordan Simonski, and since then it has been a regular participant in the National Folklore Festival of Koprivshtitsa, the International Folklore Fests in Bourgas and Varna, and the Pirin Sings Festival in Pirin.
The costumes produced by the company are used by the internationally recognized Pirin Ensemble and many other folk-music groups all over Bulgaria. The Shevitsa Co. has a rich collection of hand-made embroidered table-cloth and traditional costumes from various folklore regions of Bulgaria, and has taken part in specialized exhibitions in Russia, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Sweden and USA.


About us :

Jordan Simonski is the creator and manager of the firm. He has graduated from the “Kliment Ohridski” High School, with focus on history and ethnography. For more than 35 years he has participated in the management and organization of the cultural activity of the Blagoevgrad region.

We have also developed printing activity: numerous books, hundreds of posters, leaflets, everything related to the communication of firms, from the calling cards to the visual arrangement of the buildings; all kinds of objective or souvenir advertisements, different types of calendars, badges, etc.

We help create the artistic clothing of the world-famous “Pirin” ensemble, of the professional ensembles in Sliven, Bourgas, Dobrich, Pazadjik, “Severnqshki Ensemble” Pleven, the TV show “The Comocs”, of different Bulgarian and folklore formations.
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Services :

The company “Shevitsa” possesses a wide catalogue of national costumes and embroideries with Bulgarian needlecraft. Along with the hundreds of national dresses we make tablecloths of different sizes out of linen (Panama Type) and “Muline” cotton strings. We work exclusively by hand.

The firm has a rich collection of traditional covers. So far we have presented them at specialized fairs in Russia, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Sweden, and USA. A large number of covers we used as present for famous people and delegations, visitors to Sofia and Blagoevgrad; a highly ornate beautiful tablecloth was given to the deceased tsaritsa Yoanna when she visited Bulgaria.

In “Shevitsa” we produce souvenirs from wood, copper, leather, plates, wall decorations, boxes, folders, thalers, etc.

We have developed the production of different types of flags with and without embroidery—for schools, businesses and sport.

We have organized the manufacturing of different types of print and material advertising materials and stage-property, assisting the activity of companies.

The company “Shevitsa” is well-known for the design with decoration and platform /personal mobile stage/ for the staging of cultural, political, sports, and municipal events.

During the last years the firm has succeeded in defending its position, and deserve its reputation as a professional and accurate partner.

Everyone, who has looked for the services of “Shevitsa” should fulfill only one requirement—to have confidence in the capabilities of the firm.
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Gallery :


Contact Us :

2700 Blagoevgrad, 6A Argir Manasiev St.

073 / 88 17 70
073 / 88 17 70

0888 84 36 46

Person of contact:
Jordan Simonski
