International transport and forwarding. RAILWAY AND COMBINED TRANSPORT - direct contacts with the respective national Railways and ferryboats’ lines - domestic transport - transport of oversized and heavy-weight

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Our company was founded in 1992 as transportation company, and in 1994 - as forwarding company. Our main scope of activity includes cargo transportation under license granted by the Ministry of Transport, and we have been successfully presented on the transportation market for 20 years

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

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Company “TEMPO LOG” Ltd. has been founded in 2004. Our activity is specialized in international transportation of goods with heavy freight automоbiles (conventional and refigerated semi-trailers) on the territory of the European Union and the Balkan penin

Red Horseys Bus Seven years offer our customers comprehensive/general transportation services and logistics solutions. Our truck cabs/ freight taxis operate regular transport services in Bulgaria, the Balkan countries in Western and Central Europe.

"TransEkspres Ltd. - International rail freight forwarding, groupage road transport, logistics, warehouse operator

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