ГУСВ ЕАД  itemprop=


Performs industrial, civil and infrastructural construction, reconstruction and modernization construction of bridges. Construction of HDPE (HD-PE) polyethylene and fiberglass water and sewer systems. Provides design and engineering.
1920 is the birth date of our company . The abbreviation GUSV is well known on the construction market. With time it has reflected the various organizational and structural changes but has preserved the most important in itself – the reliability and security. The present State enterprise " Construction and Restoration” is a successor of the Construction Engineering Troops, created by the idea of the statesman Aleksandar Stambolyiski. The destruction after the WWI demands the creation of a structure that employing the military principles of discipline to restore in short terms the infrastructure and the economy of the country. The positive impact is very fast. The construction engineering troops demonstrate reliability and security of performance and become a symbol for the construction activities in Bulgaria for almost eight decades. The changes imposed new dynamics but traditions remained in the company; there remained and the specialists, there remained our construction skills and knowledge. Our reliability as partners increased significantly . SE " Construction and Restoration " – Pleven division includes almost the entire range of construction activities. The branches of our division are located on the territory of Central and North western Bulgaria and have available material bases that secure the accomplishment of projects of any nature. Flexibility, attractive prices and increased competitiveness are the priorities of the company we are proud of. The business cards of the company are the big industrial projects all over the country, thousands of housing blocks, the major part of road network in Bulgaria . If we speak in terms of positions and possibilities in the branch we have the grounds to declare that –yes, they really exist and legitimate SE " Construction and Restoration " – Pleven division as significant participant on the construction market in the country. SE „Construction and Restoration ” – Pleven division being independent legal entity have its own accountancy and prepare separate balance sheet in compliance with the law for accountancy; open and maintain its accounts, directly rely on the budget form VAT, physical persons, insurance funds, corporative tax or though the main office to VAT and tax profit . It handles on its part legal and arbitrage cases at all instances, liable for the obligations to third parties, responsible for the obligations of its branches /locations/.           Activities HIGH-RISE BUILDING Industrial and civil, sectional and monolithic; reconstructions and modernizations on the territory of central and north-western Bulgaria – Pleven, Lovech, V. Turnovo, Gabrovo, Rouse, Targovishte, Vratza, Montana. New building Reconstruction and Repair works INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING Water pipeline construction with HDPE and GRP (glass reinforced) pipes, tanks, water supply systems, sewerage collectors; Teams and equipment available for butt welds of HDPE pipelines. Build HDRE (polyethylene) low gas pressure. Horizontal drilling - without excavation technology Water pipelines and sewerages Bridges – sectional and solid, concrete reinforced and metallic, retention walls, roads, energy projects (Nuclear Power Station "Kozloduy") Bridges Roads Available on stock sectional steel bridges for load H-13 with length from 7m to 32 m, width 4m and 8 m. ECOLOGY Waste Water Treatment Plants, landfills, geo-protection, fortification of landslips, correction of river beds. CONSTRUCTION MECHANIZATION AND TRANSPORT Required Light and Heavy mechanization available, transportable vehicles- excavators UB 1,2 cubic meters, bulldozers T-130, vibro-rollers VV-100, auto cranes Maz and Kraz, tower scaffolding, concrete pumps Mercedes Swing , concrete trucks Tatra and Kamaz, dump trucks Tatra and Kamaz, front loaders, trailers 20 t and others. Transportation and Mechanization services PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE GROUT AND STEEL REINFORCED CONCRETE ITEMS Concrete Grout in Pleven, Svishtov, Vratza, V. Tarnovo Canalization pipes, curb stones, paving stones, steels reinforcements FOR SALE Unoccupied flats and houses in Pleven and V. Turnovo; ON RENT unoccupied premises for production purposes and warehouses in Pleven, Yassen village, Bukovlak village, Lovech, Gabrovo, Sevlievo. RECREATION HOME "KAILAKA" A small recreation facility on the side of the Kailaka lake, 2 rooms and 2 apartments. Available for family parties and social events.           Products PRODUCTION Concrete and concrete reinforced items and pipes. Concrete Grout. Concrete pipes Coupling sewerage Pipes Bauma, length 2 m and ? 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200. Concrete mixes Concrete mixes in Pleven, Svishtov, V. Turnovo, Vratza, including transport and pump casting. Reinforcing and metal blanks. Reinforced concrete pipes, non-standard ? 2000 and ? 3000 Pavement slabs Curb stones Bottom strips Trench linings Shafts for cable networks Bulk materials Aluminuim profiles and window frames