Hermes Smart  itemprop=

Hermes Smart

Affordable Internet of Things Solutions for the Small Business
*------ COMPANY PROFILE ------* We, at Hermes Smart, deliver affordable yet highly optimized IoT technical solutions and products. We believe that the Internet of Things (IoT) is going to be an exceedingly important part of the future of humanity. However, we have observed that this future is approaching us too slowly, because the IoT solutions available in the market nowadays are either high-quality / high-price or low-quality / low-price products. This effectively deters the impact of IoT technology, since the small business and entrepreneurs do not have easy access to the niche of the high-end IoT solutions. We firmly believe that delivering low-price / high-customer-value / high-quality products is the key to success in this regard. That’s why we are going to enable our customers to shorten their time to market (TTM) and deliver higher customer value at affordable prices, while using a state-of-the-art technology. This will unleash the true potential of the IoT technology and make possible living our future now. *------ Remotely controlled short term bee hive closing up, Defensive publication innovation disclosure ------* We at Hermes Smart own an IoT Smart Hive patent that was registered at the Bulgarian Patent Office at the end of 2017. We did our research on how other innovation projects have been handling their patents, and we noticed that a patent does not necessarily guarantee your success. Depending on the situation, holding a patent of innovation without the resources necessary for further development might hinder the technology shift instead of boosting it. In our case, we consciously decided to give our invention to the world for free. From our perspective, as well as the perspective of the larger community, we believe this was the right thing to do.We should definitely break the ego-motivated business decisions, especially when they impede the company’s progress. Please feel free to use this innovative construction in your projects. We hope you enjoy using our invention! You are welcome to aid us with donations! *------ Outline ------* The innovation is related to automatics, telematics, and implements in the beekeeping area. The goal of the system is to ensure that the bee hive colony closes up simultaneously, in multiple bee hives, during periods of poison hazard without the aid of manual activities. Using a rectangular frame fixed to the immediate front panel of the hive and a mobile door moved by an electrical motor, the system provides the bee hive colony with isolation into the hive. A local controller handles the process at the hive level. A central controller provides central communication between the multiple local hive controllers and operator. The telematics system controls the group-level process on an unlimited number of hives, thus significantly increasing the beekeeper’s work efficiency, when there are numerous hives. The system protects the bee colonies by aiding them in closing up whenever necessary. This way, the system contributes towards preventing bee extinction. Your Hermes Smart Team

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